Homeless man dies in Cagliari, he refused accommodation: body seized
The man was 61 years old and lived in a makeshift bed under a tree, in the dirt road between Via Campeda and Via MandrolisaiPer restare aggiornato entra nel nostro canale Whatsapp
He had been living under a tree, in the dirt road between via Campeda and via Mandrolisai in Cagliari, San Michele, for several months: this afternoon a 61-year-old homeless man was found lifeless by a person who immediately raised the alarm . The intervention of 118 was useless. The case has been handed over to the Carabinieri of the radiomobile unit: no signs of violence on the body.
For this reason, the hypothesis put forward is that the man died, in his makeshift shelter, due to illness or his precarious health conditions, also due to the conditions of enormous hardship in which he lived . He was known to the operators of the Municipality's Street Units and to the voluntary associations that take care of people living without a home: the 61-year-old was receiving assistance but apparently refused the accommodation solutions in a structure that were proposed to him .
The man's body was then taken to the mortuary of the cemetery of San Michele at the disposal of the judicial authorities.