"I want to know how my daughter Annika died and what happened before, during and after what the Swiss authorities immediately dismissed as a tragic accident."

Gianluca Deidda, an engineer, can't find peace. This afternoon at 15.30 with his ex-wife Daniela Contu, they will greet their 21-year-old daughter forever in the church of Sant'Ignazio, where the funeral will be celebrated. But for the professional, who asked the Cagliari prosecutors for help yesterday morning, the tragic death of his daughter is far from a closed case. She flew down a 40-metre waterfall, where they say she went on a trip with the boy she had said she wanted to leave three days earlier.

«I presented a complaint and asked the Public Prosecutor's Office to intervene and support the magistrates of the Canton of Ticino. Our daughter had changed since October, too many things don't add up"

The tragic flight

Last Wednesday, we read in the few lines of news reported by the newspapers of the Canton of Ticino, a 21-year-old Italian girl died after falling shortly after 7 pm near the Santa Petronilla waterfall in the Biasca area. The young woman was in the company of the boy when she fell on deaf ears. After a flight of about forty meters Annika Deidda crashed into the rocks below. Investigators immediately ruled out both the voluntary act and a violent crime. So a tragic fatality.

Dad's doubts

The girl, enrolled in the Faculty of Architecture at the Milan Polytechnic, had recently moved to Como. «Until last October everything was going well, then he met a 24-year-old boy and things started to change. She had lost 25 kilos and we think she had also encountered drugs. Furthermore, we believe she ended up in a ring of very rich people who came to pick her up in limousines and other expensive cars, taking her to luxury hotels. A situation that convinced my ex-wife to put a private investigator on her heels as early as April".

In recent days "he had said he wanted to leave Como and the house he shared with the boy". A few days later, he would invite her on the waterfall hike, hence the tragedy. «Too many things don't add up, Annika wanted to leave that circle».

Francesco Pinna

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