An illegal asbestos dump in the center of Cagliari . The complaint comes from the Grig , Legal Intervention Group, which makes it known that it has requested, by means of a petition, "the environmental remediation of a growing accumulation of various waste (debris, packaging, furniture) most likely also including asbestos (eternit) in Via Milan ».

In the viewfinder a partially fenced area, with the prosecutor of the Court of Cagliari which has already been informed, but the Grig emphasizes the possibility that it is hazardous waste: "In particular, as regards the debris in asbestos" the note reads "it should be remembered that they consist of a mixture of cement and asbestos, which can release asbestos fibers if abraded, perforated, brushed or if deteriorated, with serious consequences for the health of the people who come into contact with them " .

The group is now asking for an immediate assessment of the nature , as well as the restoration of environmental and health conditions and adequate supervision.


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