Yet another arson attack in Alghero , this time in the Balaguer district . In the crosshairs, an entrepreneur in the catering sector , whose car was burned .

The fire - in the night - was extinguished by the firefighters , but the incident sparked concern and indignation.

Harsh words of condemnation also came from the president of the regional council, Michele Pais .
"Fifth arsonist in Alghero in two weeks ", the comment of Pais. "In recent days I have had the opportunity to confront myself with the police forces to represent all the concern I feel as a citizen, as a father, even before being a representative of the institutions".
"The investigators - continues the president of the regional council - are busily engaged in the investigations that I hope will soon reach their goal. For our part, as citizens, it is necessary to react decisively so that our society is impervious to these phenomena, whether they are the result of vandalism or, worse, of organized crime completely extraneous to our reality ".

"So I repeat - concludes Pais - let's drive criminals out of Sardinia , dishonor and shame for our land!".

Furthermore, the president of the regional council - expressing closeness to the entrepreneur in the crosshairs for the "ignoble" act - relaunches the proposal for the construction of "an important video surveillance system in the city, in respect of which the Region will do its part", because "Alghero, Sardinia is a land of peace and legality".

(Unioneonline / lf)

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