Imagine finishing a flight, arriving at the airport, and being greeted by a cheering crowd . Of course, it may have happened to someone, but it is even rarer that a delegation from Aeroitalia and the entire management of Sogeaal, the management company of the Alghero airport, receive you.

This is what happened to a woman from Sassari, Stefania Poddighe, who this morning was overwhelmed by the celebrations upon her arrival in Fertilia from Rome: "Initially I thought it was a joke" , she said, "because it doesn't happen every day". And yet it was all true: Poddighe is the millionth passenger of the Aeroitalia company , which is why it decided to dedicate this singular welcome to her. “I often travel with Aerotalia,” he added. «I feel very good about it and I will continue to do so».

Perhaps even more so after this surprise, embellished with a gift voucher: «It is a great satisfaction for us to celebrate our millionth passenger», explains the president of the company Marc Bourgade. «It is the result of constant commitment. We want to thank all our passengers for choosing to fly with us and for allowing us to achieve this incredible milestone."


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