92 percent of residents would like Alghero to be taught in schools and 77 percent would like to speak it fluently in the future.

"These are very interesting figures: today only about a third of the population can speak it, but many understand it and want to learn it", comments the Councilor for Culture Alessandro Cocco, presenting the latest initiative for the enhancement and protection of the language.

In fact, until 30 January, Alghero families will be able to request the activation of the teaching of the Catalan of Alghero during the curricular and extra-curricular school activities . To do this, the Department of Culture, Tourism and General Affairs, in collaboration with the Civic Council of Linguistic Policies, has created the project "En Alguerés - for a richer school".
Through the following link ( bit.ly/enalgueres ) parents will be able to fill out a quick questionnaire with which to request that their children who attend kindergarten, primary or secondary school can finally discover and learn the language of the city of Alghero . All requests collected by the assessor will be sent to the various schools.

"The Municipality wants to give its contribution to help schools and families in the process of protecting the Algherese language", adds the councilor for public education Maria Grazia Salaris. The many cultural associations involved in the protection of the language will prove to be invaluable. "I am sure that with their help we will be able to provide educational support to schools", concludes the mayor Mario Conoci.

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