No longer abandonment, but attempted murder . This is the accusation that will be brought against the 29-year-old who, on the night between 17 and 18 October, after giving birth in her home in Osilo, got rid of her newborn son , leaving him on the street, under a parked car.

The Sassari review court, at the request of prosecutors Maria Paola Asara and Paolo Piras , has in fact reclassified, making it worse, the crime hypothesis.

This is because, according to the panel of judges, the woman, by abandoning the newborn naked, on the asphalt, under a car, at night, while it was raining, would have voluntarily put his life in danger.

The 29-year-old had given birth in her room, in the house where she lives with her mother, at dawn on October 18th. He then abandoned the child on the street, under a car parked in front of his house.

The newborn's grandmother, unaware that her daughter was pregnant, had heard the baby's crying, found him lying under the car and called for help. The child, suffering from hypothermia, was transported by 118 to the hospital in Sassari and saved. The mother, who had been hospitalized and then arrested, was also taken to hospital. A few days later, however, she was released again because the investigating judge had downgraded the charge from attempted murder to child abandonment.

Now the Review, accepting the Prosecutor's appeal, has overturned that decision, leaving the young woman at liberty: according to the judges, in fact, there is no danger of repeating the crime nor risk of escape.


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