Use the 2.5 million euros allocated by the budget for this year (which will be 6.5 in 2024) to reduce ticket prices for certain categories of passengers. This was proposed by the transport councilor of the region, Antonio Moro, in order to achieve the so-called "Balearic model" in Sardinia for adult students and perhaps also for athletes who travel to various parts of Italy every weekend to take part in the national championships.

It is true that resources are scarce (in fact, the Region challenged the Maneuver deeming the funds insufficient) and therefore the system in force in Majorca, Ibiza and Menorca would not be perfectly replicable, where residents are entitled to a 75% discount on any national ticket thanks to an allocation of 271 million euros per year.

But the intention is to start experimenting with that model with a small audience of passengers.

In the meantime, the journey of the new territorial continuity began on Friday. The Region is working on a bill that regulates various tools to improve the state of air connections.

Michael Ruffi

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