"It was the most extraordinary week of my life."

Angelina Mango, winner of Sanremo 2024 (first woman in ten years) does not hold back her emotion in the press conference: «I didn't expect any of this, I felt the affection of many people and the closeness of my family. I'm never alone, ever." Then he remembers his father Mango, who passed away ten years ago : «On Friday I paid him a respectful tribute. I am a polite person first and foremost, I think he would be proud of this first and foremost." And she says she is sincerely sorry for the tweet from Frankie hi-nrg, who wrote on got a paltry 16%, winning at the hands of a handful of members of a media caste, so maybe I would feel cheated." «I'm sorry because I respect him a lot», comments Angelina. And he confirms, as per direct application practice, that he will represent Italy at the Eurovision Song Contest.

Geolier, Annalisa e Angelina Mango (Ansa)
Geolier, Annalisa e Angelina Mango (Ansa)
Geolier, Annalisa e Angelina Mango (Ansa)

Geolier, who came second despite having won the televoting, has no regrets: "I'm happy like this." And on the record of streams that his song “I p' me, tu p' te” has achieved, he quickly dismisses the question: «Here streams don't count, and rightly so. It's a different race."

Annalisa third : «I congratulate these three guys, I'm happy that we all have songs that are rocking everywhere».

AMADEUS MOVED – Amadeus arrives at the press conference visibly moved. Faced with the openness of Rai CEO Roberto Sergio to a possible Sanremo six («We'll talk about it again in 15 days», he said) he takes a step back: «I thank CEO Sergio very much for making me work in total autonomy. Glimpses? I had already said in May that it would be my last Festival, no one believed me, but it's like this: I really feel that we absolutely have to stop and think about something else, about other challenges ."

THE CONTROVERSY – On the voting mechanism , Rai reiterates the weight of the three juries (televoting 34%, press room 33% and radio 33%) and , after the imbalance between Geolier and Mango, promises that it will "reflect" on the system.

RATINGS – The Sanremo final achieved record ratings. The evening of the Festival, broadcast from 9.27pm to 10.59pm on Rai 1, recorded a 74.1 share with 14 million 301 thousand viewers. The first part - from 9.27pm to 11.31pm - obtained a 70.8% share with 17 million 281 thousand spectators; the second from 11.34pm to 10.59pm 78.8% with 11 million 724 thousand spectators. The peak audience was recorded at 10.39pm with 18 million 259 thousand viewers (Fiorello/Roberto Bolle). The peak share with 85.3% (i.e. the reading of the final ranking).
THE NUMBERS – The amount raised by Rai Pubblicità during the Festival was 62 million and 182 thousand euros.

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