The Russian shadows stretch over the last ten days of the election campaign.

And the Foreign Minister, Luigi Di Maio, relaunches a proposal already made at the end of July, "a Commission of Inquiry into the relations between Italian leaders and parties and Russia". Eventually, the new Parliament will decide, the one chosen by the Italians in the elections of 25 September.

Already this morning, in a press conference at Palazzo Chigi convened after the Council of Ministers, Prime Minister Mario Draghi could declare that Italy is missing from the dossier on the 300 million dollars secretly distributed by Russia to the parties and leaders of about twenty countries. Confirming what has already been reported by the president of Copasir, Adolfo Urso, after speaking with the undersecretary for services Franco Gabrielli at Copasir: at the moment, he said, Italy is not among the countries involved "but things can always change".

Words that are not enough for the parties to extinguish the controversy. Di Maio, leader of Civic Commitment, candidate together with the Democratic Party, after receiving "updates" from the Americans at the Farnesina advises "prudence" and expressly speaks of "too many shadows on the League's relations with Putin ." The agreement between the League and the Putin's party is still valid today, "he adds. The former M5s also recalls when in 2018 "the suppressive amendment that the League had presented to eliminate the rule of the Corrupt Sweepers law on the prohibition, for an Italian political party, of receiving money from governments or other entities of foreign states was blocked. Why did the League want to receive money from governments or other entities of foreign states? ".

"They have been looking for Russian money for 4 years, they can't find it because we have never asked for it or taken it - Matteo Salvini replies -. A few days after an important vote for Italy, the problems are not Russia, China or the 'Hungary, but the job, the shopping cart, retirement ". For the Democratic Party, the number one of the Northern League is ambiguous and even Urso's behavior on a mission to Washington arouses some perplexity: "He is in the US as president of Copasir and therefore the statements on Russian funds to parties and politicians denounced by the Washington administration were they pronounced in this role? Or is it there on behalf of your party and Giorgia Meloni? ".

"I would not want that in the end, with respect to alleged interference, it would instead come to a pollution of the electoral campaign with these insinuations and inferences which I hope are all false", the words of the leader of the M5s Giuseppe Conte . From the third pole, for Matteo Renzi “this stuff 10 days before the elections leaves some perplexity. If there is something to say let them say it. I wrote that the Russians influenced the vote on Brexit and our 2016 referendum, but, in fact, I said it. Italians don't ask who took the money from the Russians; ask yourself who wasted Italian money, with Quota 100 or with the Citizenship Income ".

(Unioneonline / D)

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