At the end of yet another exhausting day of conflict in the centre-right , with FdI - strengthened by the verdict of the coalition table - perched on the name of the mayor of Cagliari Paolo Truzzu and Lega-Psd-Az on that of the outgoing governor, Christian Solinas from Rome it is said "confident" in the fact that " the centre-right will find its unity on a candidacy that will be able to bring this political formula back to victory , which it has managed well in five very complex years, due to Covid and the wars".

The president of the regional council was intercepted in the capital where he had a series of meetings with the leaders of the League, including a conversation with Matteo Salvini. «An unwritten rule states that the work started can be completed. These are relations between allies - reiterates Solinas - if the principle of continuity is to be undermined, political reasoning will have to be made to justify it" .

Continuity, he says, which also applies to the mayor of Cagliari : «I am convinced that Truzzu in his first legislature in Cagliari deserves to complete what has been done in the city, exactly like the legislature of the Region». However, if the national leaders were to confirm the candidacy of the mayor of Cagliari in discontinuity, Solinas will convene the bodies of his party. «We as the Sardinian Action Party decide in Sardinia with our bodies. We have a cultural and political alliance with the League, for which we consult and discuss what to do and together, with serenity, we will decide how to deal with any outcome of the national table" , concludes Solinas. When asked directly, he does not exclude a priori that the League could run without the Brothers of Italy: "If Salvini wants it that way, I will respect his choice." But, he reiterates, "with the bodies of my party we will decide the line to follow".

In short, the one with Matteo Salvini remains a pact of steel . And in fact the leader of the League continues to support him: «For me, the unity of the center-right is the most important value and if a mayor and a governor have worked well it is right to re-nominate them ». «I don't choose alone – specifies the deputy prime minister on “Five minutes” – we will choose at the table». But any rejection of the renomination "must be justified".

Fratelli d'Italia in the meantime carries on and announces that a conference will be held on Saturday in Quartu Sant'Elena «where Paolo Truzzu's candidacy as governor of Sardinia will be presented and the allies of the League and the Sardinian Action Party have also been invited ». Salvatore Deidda, FdI deputy and president of Montecitorio's Transport commission, said this: "For us - he added - we can win better with Truzzu".

The Northern League's request for a step back today went unheeded: «We need common sense – said the national deputy secretary of the League, Andrea Crippa – we need a step back on Truzzu. If Solinas is no longer doing well in Sardinia and the reasons are unknown, even in the other regions it will be necessary to re-evaluate the presidential candidates. In my opinion, the most normal choice is continuity" because "candiding someone more than your own party is not a motivation, but a whim. We expect", he added, "that FdI will close the gap on the outgoing candidates and start the electoral campaign in Marsilio as well as in Solinas".

«Our candidate remains Truzzu, with him we will relaunch Sardinia», was the immediate response from the Minister of Agricultural Policies Francesco Lollobrigida. And on the request to take a step back, he dismisses the matter: «It is permissible to ask – he replies –».


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