There is great concern among employees of Portovesme Srl in anticipation of the summit convened tomorrow , Thursday 6 October, at the Ministry of Economic Development.

There are hundreds of fathers and mothers of families who return home every day knowing that their future work is increasingly marked by great uncertainty.

Today the top management of the company that in recent days announced the imminent stop of the lead line in Portoscuso and San Gavino, which translated means another 200 people on layoffs , met the regional councilors of Labor, Industry and Defense of the environment, Zedda, Pili and Lampis.

We talked about the state of corporate crisis due to expensive energy and the need to reconvert, in the coming months, the production lines with materials more requested by the world market. The representatives of the regional council appealed to the company not to stop production and not to hastily activate the layoffs.

Tomorrow all the details on the pages of L'Unione Sarda on newsstands.

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