Tight deadlines for the Budget law, this year too it will go into provisional exercise. Only for one month, is the wish of the majority .

Meanwhile, a crucial week is opening for the planning of the work of the Regional Council and Council before the holiday break: tomorrow afternoon the meeting of the group leaders to plan the work of the classroom, but for the three expected measures - Provinces, Housing plan and Finance precisely - there are no times .

The formal step to be taken is the substitution of the councilor Giovanni Satta , former deputy leader of the PSD'Az group suspended from the polling station because he has been under house arrest since last October on charges of illicit trafficking of influences and attempted extortion for the sale of an RSA in Monastir. In her place, the deputy mayor of Tempio Anna Paola Aisoni , her formal oath will in all probability take place on Wednesday 14.

Once the Omnibus has been approved, which to date has not yet been published in the Buras and therefore is not officially in force , the arrival in the Chamber of the other announced measures seems far away.

The text of the maneuver is being finalized, commissioner Fasolino could submit it to the Council during the week and it is hoped to bring it to the Chamber in the week between Christmas and New Year's to shorten the time and not extend the provisional exercise beyond a month.

"We will work with determination, we have no particular holidays or vacations to do" , Solinas said during the presentation of the new council.

But the slowness in approving financial documents also entails delays in the possibility of spending resources in good time , as underlined by the Court of Auditors, which has pointed the finger at the slowness in spending funds for all sectors.

The other two measures: the reform of local authorities approved in April needs an adjustment which in all probability will not arrive by the end of the year. On the high seas, however, the house plan , also thanks to the change in the department with the arrival of Aldo Salaris.


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