"Unacceptable". Thus Stefano Vavoli, territorial representative for Sardinia of the Organized Tourism Federation of Confcommercio, criticizes the increase in tariffs on the territorial continuity between the island and the major Italian airports . «But, above all – he adds – it is unacceptable that such choices are made by the ministry and the Region without consulting the organized tourism associations».

«We complain about the lack of programming of carriers like Ryanair – explains Vavoli – but even in this case there was no warning. The notice contemplates the possibility of making decisions like this, but in the meantime our companies have already sold packages with defined flight prices, which now cause economic damage for the operators".

«In addition to the normal inconveniences that Sardinians have had to suffer for some time, we are now witnessing an improvident, sudden and disconcerting change of cards on the table. A method – concludes the FTO territorial manager – which offends the dignity of the work of those who try to offer Sardinia the best conditions for national and international mobility".


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