The price of petrol has returned to very high levels, but the government is not thinking about cutting excise duties at all .

" It would cost a billion a month, 12 a year ", warns the Minister of Enterprise and Made in Italy Adolfo Urso , explaining that these funds have been used "to cut the tax wedge twice" and that the executive intends to do so new in the next budget law .

Opposition to consumers remember that the majority in the electoral campaign had promised to cut or eliminate these heavy taxes (everyone remembers the video of Giorgia Meloni at the gas station), but the government is blocking it.

Prices have been stable for three days, assures the Mmit. But the level is high, 2.019 euros per liter for green self-service on the motorway, 1.928 for diesel. In Sardinia the average price for petrol is 1.962 euros .

Urso announces that "the Ministry of the Economy is preparing the maneuver that will be aimed at the structural cut of the tax wedge to relaunch business and work and allow those with lower wages to have a decent income ".

Codacons filed a complaint with various Italian public prosecutors «against the Ministry of Economy and Finance for embezzlement and speculation from insider trading, with a warning to freeze the 2.2 billion euro of excise duties forfeited in the last week alone ; and, at the same time, against the pumps and wholesalers who have speculated on the holidays of Italians over the past few weeks". Altroconsumo reports that over 103,000 citizens have signed the online petition to ask the government to restore the discount on excise duties and reset the VAT on fuel, in order to neutralize the "unacceptable" increases in petrol and diesel.

Until the beginning of this year , the discount on the excise duties of the Draghi government was in force , an extraordinary measure which, although not as incisive as the zeroing of VAT, had given motorists some breathing space.


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