More than 200,000 signatures collected since the launch of the opposition petition to promote the proposed law on the minimum wage.

The online platform went haywire due to too many accesses immediately after its launch.

"The country is with us, keep signing," writes Action leader Carlo Calenda on social media. "While Meloni is making propaganda, we continue our mobilization to respond to the 4 million Italians who earn less than 9 euros an hour," says Avs deputy Angelo Bonelli.

The petition was launched immediately after the meeting with Prime Minister Meloni by all oppositions with the exception of Italia Viva. The bill provides that no worker can receive an hourly wage of less than 9 euros.

During the meeting at Palazzo Chigi Meloni expressed all his doubts about the measure and assured that with the mediation of the Cnel in a few months there will be a proposal to increase the wages of Italian workers.


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