"If you avoid getting drunk and passing out, maybe you also avoid running into certain problems because then you will find the wolf".

Days later, during the press conference on the decree against baby gangs, Giorgia Meloni defends her partner Andrea Giambruno, a Tg4 journalist who ended up at the center of the controversy for this "offending" sentence said about the Palermo gang rape.

«One hastily and assertively said something different from the interpretation given by most. I don't read in those words 'if you go around in a miniskirt they'll rape you', but something more similar to what my mother used to say to me, 'eyes open and head on shoulders'. Rapists exist and we must not let our guard down. It's not an excuse to rape girls, but to tell them to be careful and keep their eyes open, I see that."

Finally, after a spat with a journalist, the premier launched the lunge: "I want to understand what the concept of freedom of the press is like because the way I see it, I shouldn't be called into question for the things a journalist says on TV , and he shouldn't be attacked any more than normal because he loves me. For the future, please don't ask me for comments on what a journalist says on TV because it's not me who tells a journalist, who practices his profession, what he has to say. I believe in freedom of the press."


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