The government continues to fine-tune the maneuver in the aftermath of the meeting between Prime Minister Mario Draghi and Lega leader Matteo Salvini on taxes and pensions .

Today will be the turn of the trade unions, expected at Palazzo Chigi at 6pm. On the table the budget law and, in particular, pensions and the destination of the 8 billion for the reduction of taxes. Then a control room will precede the Council of Ministers, which will probably be set for Thursday.

Meanwhile, the three secretaries have already rejected the possibility of a return to the Fornero Law, which sets the retirement age at 67, after the cancellation of Quota 100.

The problem of pensions remains the most difficult to solve in order not to upset the various souls of the majority.

Il Carroccio intends to avoid returning to Fornero at all costs and proposes that a fund be set up for small companies (with less than 15 employees) to help their workers.

Even the Democratic Party and the 5 Star Movement, in harmony confirmed by a lunch between the leader Giuseppe Conte and the secretary Enrico Letta in the center of Rome, agree on the need to soften the five-year staircase that would start in January. We must aim, explained Labor Minister Andrea Orlando at the meeting of the Pd group in the House, to "correct" some of the distortions of Quota 100, particularly favoring "SME workers, women" and those with "discontinuous careers ".

The dem also insist on paying attention to those who do heavy work, looking at the extension of the social Ape which for them should be significantly strengthened, not only by expanding the list of the most tiring jobs but by helping women.

(Unioneonline / F)

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