"Veritas nunquam perit". Or, as the philosopher Seneca said: " The truth never dies ".

With this quote in Latin Johnny Depp commented on the verdict with which the jury of the court of Fairfax, Virginia , ruled that his ex-wife Amber Heard has defamed him, accusing him in the press of abuse and violence , and for this now he will have to compensate him with 15 million dollars .

"The jury gave me my life back," said the actor again after the hearing that put an end to a judicial and media battle that lasted weeks. "It is the beginning of a new chapter in my life . And the best must yet to come, "added Depp, who in turn will have to compensate Heard with $ 2 million , for having in turn defamed her, for having called, through one of his lawyers, the version of the ex-wife a" fraud " . The balance of damages, however, hangs largely on his side.

The tenor of Heard's post-sentence statements is different, according to which the verdict “is a step backwards for all women . A return to the time when a woman who dared to report violence was pilloried ".

Through her lawyers, the actress announced her willingness to challenge the verdict and appeal .

(Unioneonline / lf)

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