Valeria Marini attacked on the stairs of her house: "I'm shocked". A man taken to the police station
The showgirl was coming back when, having opened the door, she heard some suspicious noises. Terrified, she ran away, the police stopped a young manPer restare aggiornato entra nel nostro canale Whatsapp
Valeria Marini attacked on the stairs of her home, in the heart of Rome.
According to what she said, it happened around 11pm last night : the showgirl was returning home but as soon as she opened the door she heard noises. She saw someone running down the stairs, almost running into her: she, terrified, started screaming, running away. She managed to get out of the door and, in the square below the house, she asked for help from a patrol of the municipal police.
The officers reached the door and saw a young man wearing a cap come out and start insulting them in Portuguese . The man was taken to the police station.
The actress later decided to file a complaint, the officers discovered that the light bulbs had been broken (which is why she found the entrance hall in the dark), the stairs damaged and the alarm system partially tampered with : "I am deeply shocked, but I feel lucky - says today the actress, 57 years old, born in Rome but raised in Cagliari with her mother Gianna Orrù -. The noise I heard immediately alarmed me because I live alone in that staircase. And this allowed me to understand that I had to run away immediately. Luckily the presence of the patrol that is always stationed nearby allowed me to ask for help and save myself from that man who otherwise could have reached me and hurt me ".