Higher salaries for professors teaching in Northern Italy . It is the proposal of the Minister of Education and Merit Giuseppe Valditara .

«The public school – he said – needs new forms of financing, also to cover the salaries of the teachers who could undergo a regional differentiation. And to find them, we could open up to private funding ».

" Those who live and work in a region of Italy where the cost of living is higher could earn more ", he added, while assuring that "even with differentiated autonomy, the national contract will be affected".

Validtara also announced that "an important recruitment" will soon be launched, teachers "must be in sufficient numbers, have adequate preparation and guarantee educational continuity".

Mario Rusconi, head of the principals' association, also agrees with the differentiation of salaries: « Increasing the salaries of personnel who live in the North is a fairly sensible measure . Something that partly already happens, especially with professional techniques».

«Valditara throws off the mask and describes to those who still have some doubts the model that this government wants to create: the school of inequalities . Guaranteeing higher salaries in the North because the cost of living is higher has nothing to do with merit, nor does it take into account the enormous efforts that many teachers put in place in disadvantaged contexts, where the school represents the main democratic safeguard », attacks the 5 Star Movement.


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