They had shot pellets with an air gun at the science teacher and then mocked her on social media but, despite the gesture, they were promoted. «With 9 in conduct and the average of eight».

The protagonists - as reported by the Corriere del Veneto - are two of the five boys who committed the gesture, students of a technical institute in Rovigo. In particular, it would be the two subjects most involved in the episode : one is the one who shot the dots at the teacher, risking making her lose an eye, the other is the companion who filmed the gesture and then disclosed it via social media, making it go viral.

The teacher's lawyers are waiting to see the documents relating to the schooling before writing to the Ministry of Education .

«When we have formal confirmation of the promotion - say the teacher's lawyers, Tosca Sambinello and Nicola Rubiero -, as well as the fact that, as far as we know, the suspensions have never been applied , we will be ready to immediately update the minister on the situation Valditara».

For his part, the Padua-Rovigo school administrator, Roberto Natale, says: «I don't really know whether the boys were rejected or not, but I'm sure that, if so, the choice is due to their performance. In fact, the measures taken against them for the fact that involved them have never provided for, by the school, rejection or suspensions based on the vote in behavior ".

The fact, on 11 October last year, saw the two boys promoted as material authors, while a third would have supported them. A marginal role would have been played by the other two young people involved. The teacher had turned to the school management asking for measures which, having not arrived, prompted her to file a complaint in January.


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