He led the investigators to what has been renamed as the third hiding place of Matteo Messina Denaro , the house where the boss lived until early June, at number 260 of via San Giovanni, in Campobello di Mazara.

Gianni Jihed, 33 years old, Tunisian origins but born in the country where the godfather, owner of the "Casa Nuova" moving company, took refuge, spoke with an uncovered face to Tg1 : it was he who took care of the boss's move.

“I was contacted with whatsapp audio messages,” he said, and now it all comes back. " The house, the refrigerator, the magnets ", all material ended up in the hands of the investigators.

The man, who has a wife and three young children, also spoke to Corriere. He was contacted directly by Messina Denaro, alias Andrea Bonafede, to move his furniture from the hideout in via San Giovanni 260 to the one in vicolo San Vito.

An experience that today he defines as disturbing: « Now I certainly remember the phone call from Matteo Messina Denaro after all the chaos that broke out. He didn't name names when he introduced himself, he had a very relaxed voice, he said he needed a move to Campobello and sent me photos of the furniture on Whatsapp with the address in via San Giovanni 260 . No luxury furniture, a bed, a washing machine, a fridge with the famous 'I am the godfather' magnet and two completely empty wardrobes. Cheap stuff so much that I made him a low price. Five hundred euros, he paid in cash on delivery, he told me that for the invoice he would then send me the documents and the tax code which he didn't have with him at the time. Then he never sent them to me again . On Whatsapp I simply recorded it as Estimate Campobello».

He made an appointment for the morning of June 4 at 7.30, he didn't go in person: "I sent two of my employees and I asked for a loan from another company, all in their thirties, they didn't recognize him".

That morning, recalls the mover, « at 7.10 I sent him a whatsapp to let him know that we would be arriving about twenty minutes late. He answered me with a vowel that I still keep and hearing it again today makes my skin crawl. His tone had completely changed, his voice very annoyed. He said: 'The important thing is that you don't be late any longer, we are waiting for you outside .'

He used the plural, but when Jihed's employees arrived he was alone: «Mohamed, a Tunisian boy who worked for me, told me that once we entered Messina Denaro's house he was immediately affable . He complimented the boys, offered them water and coffee. The closets on the truck were empty, there were no clothes or papers in the drawers, even the Joker poster my worker has already seen in the new house, ready to hang. He must have taken care of his things himself .'


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