On monkeypox, "the 21-day fiduciary quarantine for close contacts is good, but no to the lockdown. At the moment no mass vaccination is needed". This was stated by Fabrizio Pregliasco , virologist of the State University and medical director of the Galeazzi Hospital in Milan, speaking on the program "Rotocalco 264" conducted by Roberta Feliziani on Cusano Italia Tv.

"In fact - observed the virologist - we are in a situation that I believe should not lead to a serious public health problem in the future. This pathology is transmitted only by a symptomatic subject and is currently very limited, it is a small number in Europe. At this moment, from the point of view of the opportunity to contain this virus, I think it is appropriate to be as careful and do the best possible ".

"A 21-day quarantine of close contacts - continued Pregliasco - can obviously be useful, obviously a fiduciary quarantine , with suggestions, daily checks with a phone call, to underline this importance of attention to the behaviors and situations at risk that can determine the 'infection. We are certainly not talking about a lockdown, closures, I believe that for this problem there will be no need ".

"This virus - said Pregliasco - is not new, we have known it since 1958, it was isolated from a monkey, but in reality the main routes of infection are through some mice, squirrels, canids, which bite the index subject or with which there is a contact of fluids. The only doubt we have now is that this virus has not learned to transmit itself better from man to man ".

As far as vaccination is concerned, according to Pregliasco, "at this moment there is no need to carry out a systematic vaccination of the population, it is not like Covid . We must imagine a vaccination with the stocks of a human smallpox vaccine, we are now in the third generation".

(Unioneonline / vl)

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