«My wife fell at home, she is injured» . The call to 118 comes from a house in the Biella area , made by Jonathan Maldonado, husband of Siu, 30 years old, born Soukaina El Basri , an influencer of Moroccan origins who has tens of thousands of followers on Instagram. The couple has two children.

The 118 rescuers immediately notice that the woman has a hole in her chest and that there is a pool of blood in the house. Siu is loaded into the ambulance, she is still alert but her condition immediately worsens. Now he is fighting between life and death in the intensive care unit of the Novara hospital.

A matter on which investigators are now called to clarify. According to her husband, Siu ended up against the corner of a chest of drawers , hence the hole in her chest and all that blood in the house. But the house has been seized, traces and clues are being sought that could clarify what happened.

The investigators, explains the Corriere which reports the news, are also digging into the couple's past, to understand if there were any mistreatment and episodes of violence. According to what Siu's family members said, who delivered videos and text messages, recently the relationship was anything but idyllic.


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