The number of victims of sexual assaults that took place on New Year's Eve in Piazza Duomo in Milan continues to rise.

Now there are nine and no longer five. The Milan Public Prosecutor's Office, which investigates together with the Mobile Squad for group sexual violence, has identified four other young girls more than those involved in the three episodes already known.

Protagonists of the abuses, about thirty very young presumably all North Africans who are stationed almost always in the area.

Of the four additional victims, three appear to have been attacked when the herd, around 1.30am, surrounded a 19-year-old and a friend of hers, who then managed to save herself. This episode was filmed and the video was sent online, thus becoming viral.

The fourth, according to the reconstruction, was abused in the streets behind Piazza Duomo together with a peer who was also robbed, of which we already knew.

The girls were surrounded by the herd, attacked and touched everywhere. Even under the eyes of the police, said a young German tourist among the victims, "who saw and did nothing".

“We were looking around - is the girl's story -, there were music and fireworks. At a certain point I realized that they were touching me, my friend and I wanted to escape but we couldn't there were too many people, we were surrounded. My friend fell, they kept pushing us aggressively and at a certain point I felt their hands all over the place, even inside my bra which was practically ripped ”.

(Unioneonline / L)

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