They allegedly mistreated and even sexually abused some patients hospitalized in an RSA in Manfredonia , in the province of Foggia.

With these accusations, four social and health workers - aged 42, 37, 31 and 25 - were arrested and placed under house arrest by the police by order of the investigating judge.

The investigation began in June when an anonymous letter reached the police in which alleged episodes of mistreatment in the RSA "Stella Maris" were narrated. Inside the envelope there was also a USB stick containing an audio video file on which the screams of an old woman had been recorded.

The further investigations revealed sexual violence against a man and a woman over 80 , perpetrated by one of the suspects.

"The ownership and management of Stella Maris have no responsibility and are damaged by the conduct of the employees, who will be immediately subjected to precautionary suspension", Michele Vaira, legal representative of the RSA, told Ansa.

(Unioneonline / D)

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