There had been no news from him for 6 days, since that Sunday 28 April when his mobile phone was connected for the last time, which was then turned off and with his social profiles deactivated. Milena Santirocco , 54 years old from Lanciano, was found yesterday evening in Castel Volturno. The surprise after almost a week of research on the Abruzzo seafront. His car was spotted there, with a tire punctured by a nail. But his departure would not have been voluntary, as he told the police. The woman - according to her shocking story - was in fact kidnapped by two men who "tried to kill me".

This morning the choreographer and dance and fitness teacher had to explain to the Vasto prosecutor what happened to her. For his disappearance, a case has been opened against unknown persons for kidnapping. Last night, a barmaid who asked to inform her two children that she was alive told the first responders in Castel Volturno her story. In the last few hours it has also emerged that at the end of last year the woman had turned to an exorcist because - as the priest said - she had found "not beautiful objects in the four corners of her gym" and wanted a blessing.

The police at the Commissariat are investigating the matter and will have to find evidence. No comment on the testimony given by Milena was made by the prosecutor. Investigations will continue in the coming days to better clarify the contours of the case.


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