" Thank you Silvio. We will not forget you and we will make you proud ».

Giorgia Meloni, shortly after the state funeral, pays tribute to Silvio Berlusconi with a post on Facebook accompanying a video in which some moments in the life of the Cav are retraced, from the speech of the descent into the field onwards and ends with the image of the large Italian flag used in an FdI demonstration.

“We started this journey many years ago. We have traveled different paths. But the goal was, is and will remain common. Making Italy proud and able to amaze the world . Thanks Silvio. We will make you proud."

Again: «Fighter, courageous, determined. One of the greatest entrepreneurs Italy has ever had, capable of innovating and building new roads. Always ready to defend the national interest. He governed with the pride, vision and authority that a nation like ours deserves and demands. It has made Italy central to the international scene . And he wrote significant pages of our history.


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