The Epiphany appointment with Lady Luck and the Italian Lottery is back. The drawing of the winning tickets will be held tomorrow. The first prize , as usual, will be 5 million euros , while the "first category" prizes (usually all worth more than one million euros) will be established a few hours before the final draw.

For the 2024 edition , according to estimates, around 6.6 million tickets were sold , an increase of 10% compared to last year. This is the largest increase in sales since the collapse in the year of the pandemic. According to data released by the specialized agency Agipronews, the leading region in sales is Lombardy, followed by Lazio and Campania.

DATA FOR SARDINIA – Tickets sold on the island grew by 8%: compared to 75,440 last year, this edition reached 81,460. Cagliari confirms its leadership among the provinces with 27,600 coupons (+8.9%). The capital still wins the duel with Sassari, second at 23,120 (+0.5%), while the province of Southern Sardinia is in third place with a clear increase of 28.8%, for 14,680 coupons posted. Tradition can also be felt in Nuoro, which achieved a round figure with 7000 tickets, an increase of 10.1%. The only province going against the trend is Oristano, which with 9,060 tickets recorded a decrease of 3% compared to last year.

Tickets can still be purchased physically , online sales closed on January 3rd. Amadeus will announce the winners during the "Affari Tui" broadcast, broadcast on Rai Uno.


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