“Long live the Tricolor. Long live the Republic! ". Thus the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, closed his speech released this morning on the occasion of the 225th anniversary of the Tricolor, "symbol of Italy and witness of the path that led to the construction of the Republic, free and democratic".

In the passages of his speech, the Head of State wanted to dwell on the difficulties of the pandemic and the climate of uncertainty that has arisen, but also on the important cohesion that Italians have been able to find even around the tricolor, in a renewed climate of awareness and trust.

"We have shown that every challenge can be accepted and faced with the commitment and responsibility of each and every one", Mattarella specified. at home and sung the Song of the Italians, marked the collective memory of the country and recalled the fundamental value of solidarity and social cohesion. All institutions and expressions of civil society have been able to play their part ".

Then a hint of the year of the Azzurri triumphs, with our flag that "accompanied the athletes who were the protagonists of a season of international sporting successes that made us proud of what they were able to testify". "Their victories - concluded the President - are the image of a tenacious people who are committed to the future and which, thanks to the seriousness offered with their conduct, have represented a reference point for the entire international community".

(Unioneonline / vl)

(ANSA) - ROME, JANUARY 07 - "The warmth with which many fellow citizens, in the most difficult moments, displayed the flag at the windows of their houses and sang the Song of the Italians, marked the collective memory of the country and recalled the fundamental value of solidarity and social cohesion. All institutions and expressions of civil society have been able to play their part ". This was stated by the President of the Republic on the occasion of the anniversary of the Tricolore. (HANDLE).

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