Two hikers from the province of Bergamo aged 35 and 38 died after falling on the Northern Grigna , one of the main peaks in the province of Lecco. It happened in the Zucchi variant, in the West channel, at about 2200 meters above sea level, the same area where another hiker died a week ago.

A short distance away were two other climbers - one of whom was a rescuer from the National Alpine and Speleological Rescue Corps - who were traveling the same route. After a difficult passage they lost sight of them and immediately contacted the station . The Como di Areu air rescue service (Regional Emergency Emergency Agency) sighted the bodies shortly after, at the base of the canal.

According to a reconstruction , Christian Cornago and Riccardo Farina were engaged in an ascent on the gully. Perhaps they were double roped: one of them would have slipped, dragging the other with him.

"In this period the snow conditions are anomalous - the rescuers recall - because there is little snow and ice forms on the most exposed portions of rock . In particular, on the Northern Grigna the Zucchi canal appears covered in snow but above all in the higher part a great deal of experience is required, with high skills and above all it is necessary to proceed tied up. With these conditions, to go to the mountains in safety you need to be very prepared and aware of the situation".


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