In prison for drugs in Alexandria, he had proposed himself as an imam, a spiritual guide for inmates of the Muslim faith. But then it was discovered that in the course of his religious activity he was propagating jihad and advocating the destruction of the Vatican.

It is a 43-year-old man of Moroccan origin, released from prison in March 2021 and then arrested two months later by the Carabinieri del Ros on charges of instigation to commit a crime aggravated by the purpose of terrorism.

Against him, at the end of the investigations, the Public Prosecutor requested and obtained an immediate judgment, with the trial that will be held in the court of Assise in Turin starting in March.

Finished in the crosshairs of the prosecutors, he claimed, among other things, that he was the victim of a persecution orchestrated by a magistrate serving, at the time, in the Piedmontese capital: feedback to this thesis was never found and the documents were sent to the Public Prosecutor's Office. of Milan for the evaluations of the case.

(Unioneonline / lf)

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