The mayor of Rome Roberto Gualtieri signed the new ordinance which extends the precautionary provisions for another 48 hours after the fire at the Malagrotta plant .

For a radius of 6 kilometers from the site of the fire, it was decided to suspend educational, educational, recreational and sporting didactic activities, and educational and childcare services including public and private summer centers; the ban on the consumption of food of animal and vegetable origin produced in the identified area; the ban on grazing and scratching of farmyard animals; the ban on the use of fodder and cereals for animals, collected in the identified area. It is recommended to limit outdoor activities, with particular regard to those of a playful-recreational nature, and to keep the windows closed in the presence of acrid odors.

Meanwhile, the first data from the ARPA surveys on the fire arrive: high values of pollutants and dioxins but within the limits of the law.

The prosecutor states that it will take at least three months to ascertain the causes of the fire . The investigators are collecting material useful for the investigations and will also look for any similarities with the other fires, which occurred between 2018 and 2019, which affected the Tmb plants in Rome: the checks on the video surveillance systems present in Malagrotta could provide useful elements .

In addition to monitoring the pollutants, Arpa then elaborated an initial map with the identification of "the areas of potential maximum fallout from the emissions generated by the fire in the Malagrotta plant" . Furthermore, a control of the soil, surface water, crops and livestock farms has been started in relation to the fallout area.

Two days after the fire there are still scattered outbreaks on which localized extinguishing, safety and reclamation operations continue to be carried out.

(Unioneonline / D)

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