The Inland Revenue sent her the 100 euro penalty provided for by the vaccination obligation for over 50s. And in fact today the woman, from Naples, would be 51 years old. It is a pity that she died in 1999, at only 28 years old. , in a car accident.

The fine was imposed on Domenica Di Stefano, when the letter was delivered to her mother's house, the woman could not believe her eyes.

The whole family was very impressed by the affair. "My wife's sister died in 1999 in an accident, she would have turned 51 and for this she received a fine for the third dose of vaccines despite obvious reasons that she had neither done the first nor the second", said the brother-in-law. .

“It was also a psychological shock - he added - because he reopened a wound that had never healed due to that very serious loss. My sister-in-law resided in Naples and passed away at 28, shortly before the wedding. At the moment we are trying to figure out how to respond to this absurd request. With today's interconnected electronic systems these things shouldn't happen. "

The family should now also appeal proving the woman's death. It will do so with the appropriate online forms made available by ASL Napoli 1, to be sent within ten days of receiving the fine.

(Unioneonline / L)

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