"Gastritis this year has a name and a surname ...". And that name and surname were those of an eight-year-old boy from Turin , suffering from serious illnesses associated with attention deficit , hyperactivity and an oppositional defiant disorder.

The offensive message, among the several written by the child's teachers on a WhatsApp chat , arrived under the eyes of the mother thanks to another teacher who, realizing the gravity of what was happening, decided to speak: "In the chat - the mother of the victim, 34 years old, tells Ansa - the teachers also agreed on the version of the facts to report, to make us believe that Giovanni (real name) was a violent child. , he fights every day with his ghosts and his difficulties caused by disability ".

The woman decided to contact the Turin Public Prosecutor's Office by filing a complaint on May 5 through the association "La Battaglia di Andrea" which from the hinterland of Naples, precisely from Afragola, defends the rights of the disabled, and with the help of a lawyer, Sergio Pisani, also from Naples.

The child had noticed that something was wrong with the behavior of the teachers, who always put him in their sights. "' They can't wait for me to leave ', he told me - his mother relates - but he needs to be integrated and not marginalized".

Now she is ready to deliver the contents of those chats to the magistrates, from which it is clear that, she continues, "my son was continually humiliated , in front of his companions, with repeated reminders and numerous notes ". For Asia Maraucci , president of the association, "there are probably numerous similar cases in Italy, but, fortunately, in percentage they represent a minority, the school works very well and even those teachers who distance themselves from their colleagues and denounce everything are witnesses. ".

(Unioneonline / D)

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