The Milan Prosecutor's Office has requested the indictment for Daniela Santanchè and for two other people, including the minister's partner Dimitri Kunz, and for two companies in the Visibilia case on the alleged aggravated fraud against the INPS on the management of the cash register integration in the Covid period. The exponent of Fratelli d'Italia is also under investigation for false accounting and bankruptcy.

The story revolves around the Visibilia employees placed on zero-hour layoffs in times of the Covid emergency and paid by the State with public aid launched by the Conte 2 government, but who - according to the investigators - continued to work.

According to what the Milan magistrates claim, Santanchè would have requested funds for 13 employees of Visibilia Editore, despite the fact that in the meantime they continued to work in his company: in this way 20,117 hours of redundancy payments would have been unfairly obtained for a total of 126,468 euros requested and obtained by INPS from May 2020 to February 2022.

The notice of conclusion of the investigations was notified last March 12 by the Milan Prosecutor's Office to Santanchè, in his capacity as CEO of the two companies, roles which he then handed over to his partner Dimitri Kunz D'Asburgo, who succeeded him in Visibilia Editore, and to Paolo Giuseppe Concordia, as external collaborator of the two companies with personnel management functions.

The two companies Visibilia Editore and Visibilia Concessionaria were also investigated, based on the law on the administrative responsibility of entities.


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