The TAR of Lazio, accepting an appeal from the Home Care Committee Covid-19 (Cdc-19), canceled the circular of the Ministry of Health which provides for the "vigilant wait" in the first days of the illness and places indications of non-use of the drugs, if not the administration of NSAIDs and Paracetamol.

The ministerial note, we read in the TAR document, "is in contrast with the professional activity as delegated to the doctor in the terms indicated by science and professional ethics".

For the TAR, "the AIFA prescription, as borrowed from the Ministry of Health, contrasts with the required professionalism of the doctor and with his professional ethics, imposing, indeed preventing the use of therapies which the latter may consider suitable and effective to fight the disease ".

In conclusion, "the content of the ministerial note, imposing punctual and binding therapeutic choices on doctors, is in contrast with the professional activity as delegated to the doctor by science and professional ethics".

"Therapeutic choices have always been a duty and a right of doctors, yet those who have treated at home have been unfairly mistreated and accused several times of acting in bad faith - said the spokesperson for Cdc-19, Valentina Rigano - This decision crystallizes a once and for all what is the role of the general practitioner, that is to act and not leave Covid patients to wait for the disease to evolve ".

Giorgia Meloni asks for the resignation of Speranza: "After two years of full-blown bankruptcies, the ruling of the Lazio TAR puts a tombstone on the work of Minister Speranza, who has the great responsibility of never having wanted to listen to the numerous clinical experiences brought by doctors basic. It is clear that Hope cannot stay a minute longer, Mario Draghi and the majority forces take note of the failure ".

THE DOCTORS - Claudio Cricelli, president of the Italian Society of General Medicine and Primary Care (Simg), says that the TAR "is right when it reaffirms the doctor's freedom to be able to prescribe the necessary drugs".

But he warns: "In prescribing drugs, the doctor must follow the present recommendations and good clinical practices that oblige him to prescribe symptomatic drugs in the first phase and not other drugs such as antibiotics, anticoagulants and cortisone drugs that must be prescribed in case of worsening and hospitalization".

"We reiterate - explains Cricelli - that in the treatment of 'vigilant waiting' only symptomatic drugs against fever and pain, or paracetamol and NSAIDs, should be prescribed; other types of drugs are not indicated by the current recommendations, and therefore their use is not indicated, including the others, of cortisone and antibiotics ".

"Vigilant waiting", President Simg also clarifies, "is a concept used in medicine that indicates a state of active observation in which the doctor waits to see if there is a pejorative evolution of symptoms. It does not mean not administering drugs if the doctor believes they are useful, but it is also not taken for granted that the drugs should be administered ".

Basically, it's ok to prescribe drugs. But avoid those like hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin, of which no vax are often advocates.

(Unioneonline / L)

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