An engaged couple was found lifeless in the home of the man, a 50-year-old, in Lonato del Garda, in the Brescia area.

The hypothesis followed by the police, who made the dramatic discovery, is that of a murder-suicide. Like the woman, a 45-year-old of Chinese origin, the man also had the veins on his wrists severed.

A neighbor called for help after noticing blood on the terrace of the apartment.

An autopsy has been ordered on the bodies, which will be carried out tomorrow. They were both in the bathroom. From initial findings, the 45-year-old was the first to be injured in the wrists and was the first to die. The boyfriend, on the other hand, walked around the house for several hours, until he too died from bleeding from cutting the veins in his wrists. So he would kill her and then take his own life. The woman has no signs of violence on her body and it cannot be ruled out that both victims had decided to take the extreme action, but she would not have cut her wrists independently. A conclusion, albeit partial, attributable to the type of cut.

The death occurred a few days ago. Probably between Easter Monday and Tuesday but the discovery occurred this morning.


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