There are at least 9 confirmed cases of acute hepatitis in children in Italy, while at the international level there are more than a hundred. The diseases under the doctor's lens are for now of an unknown nature.

The British researchers have no certainty and hypothesize that a microorganism of the adenovirus family or a hybrid form somehow related to a variant of Covid-19 is circulating (yesterday the circumstance was excluded by Massimo Galli , an infectious disease specialist).

A 3-year-old child developed the very aggressive pathology and after being admitted to the Meyer hospital in Florence he was transferred to the Bambino Gesù in Rome, for fear of having to undergo a liver transplant which was then averted. Two other cases of hepatitis of unknown etiology have been reported in Lombardy: all the children are not in danger of life.

"The child (the one who lives in Tuscany, ed.) Arrived with a respiratory crisis and pain in the abdomen - explains Pier Luigi Vasarri, the head of pediatrics at the Santo Stefano di Prato hospital -: he was hospitalized on Wednesday evening and he worsened suddenly on Thursday morning. He had no symptoms attributable to hepatitis. It was from the liver tests that it was later understood that it could be a suspected case of acute pediatric hepatitis. " Among the tests performed, even those for coronavirus: the little one tested negative but had high antibodies. Not having the vaccine, doctors deduced that he may have contracted the virus earlier.

For now, "the episode of acute hepatitis therefore still remains of a nature to be defined, as several happen every year", the Roman pediatric hospital said.

THE CIRCULAR - In the morning the news of the arrival of a circular from the Ministry of Health was spread with the indications of the checks to be carried out following the alert for some cases registered in recent weeks in Europe and in the USA, and now also in Italy, of hepatitis of unknown nature. The document, the second after that of April 14, asks all health organizations and doctors to report any suspected case of hepatitis of which they do not understand the causes.

THE ORDER OF DOCTORS - For the Order of Doctors there is no connection between the anti-Covid vaccine and cases of acute hepatitis. "None of the children who were diagnosed with acute hepatitis in the United Kingdom in recent days had been vaccinated against Covid-19" reads a fact sheet dedicated to the story by the Order of Doctors through the page of questions and answers by experts on various health issues "Doctor but is it true that ...?".

(Unioneonline / ss)

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