"She was uninhibited, he was madly in love and felt used."

These are the reasons, announced today by Corriere, for the sentence that denied life imprisonment to Davide Fontana, the 44-year-old who in January 2022 massacred 29-year-old Carol Maltesi during the filming of a hard film in his home in Rescaldina, in the Milanese area.

The girl was hammered and slit her throat , the body after being dissected was thrown into a ravine in Bresciano, where it was found after a couple of months. The motive? She had decided to leave him and move to Verona with her six-year-old son.

Fontana was sentenced to 30 years in prison, excluding the aggravating circumstances of premeditation, abject motives and torture . According to the judges of the Court of Busto Arsizio, the man did not act with cruelty or premeditation, he killed for reasons that "in the legal sense" are neither abject nor futile . He had realized that by now, «after having used him to some extent», Carol Maltesi «was moving away from him, dumping him». And the idea of «losing stable contacts with her whom he, by his own admission and according to his friend witness, loved madly, on whom he substantially depended, since she had allowed him to overcome the substantial loneliness in which he was consumed previously and to finally live in a different and gratifying way, proved to be unbearable».

Carol, in essence "had to some extent used him to better pursue her own personal interests" and this "triggered the homicidal reaction" . Fontana was driven to kill «not by jealousy but by the awareness of having lost the woman he loved, accompanied by a sense of growing frustration at having been used and set aside».


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