Pietro Pala requests the revision of the life sentence inflicted on him, together with Raffaele Arzu, for the murder of the carabiniere Donato Fezzuoglio, who was shot with Kalashnikovs after intervening in a bank robbery on 30 January 2006 in Umbertide. The request will be examined on April 4 by the first criminal section of the Court of Appeal of Florence.

Pala, originally from Orune but moved to the Peninsula some time ago, is detained in Sassari but has always declared himself innocent and is now defended by the lawyer Gabriele Magno of the Bologna Bar, president of the National Association of Victims of Judicial Errors.

«First of all, I want to underline the act of heroism of the carabiniere Donato Fezzuoglio who, without hesitation, intervened in a shootout armed only with his service pistol», the lawyer began.

«Having said this», he added, « Pietro Pala has always declared himself innocent and we believe we have useful elements to prove it».

Lawyer Magno then highlighted the various elements brought to support the request for review, such as - in his opinion - the lack of more in-depth "checks" on other leads relating to the robbery and the fact that Pala and Arzu (red pimpernel of banditry ogliastrino) «they had never seen each other, they didn't know each other».

The robbery

The attack dates back to 18 years ago: on January 10th an off-road vehicle smashed the window of the Umbertide bank. The commando was made up of six robbers. The loot had been 80 thousand euros, but the criminal action had been anything but smooth. Outside the bank there were the carabinieri, Fezzuoglio and the officer Enrico Monti, who had opened fire. The bandits responded with volleys of Kalashnikov fire: according to the magistrates, it was Pietro Pala who took up the assault rifle. Who has always declared himself innocent and is now hoping for a review process.


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