Maxi operation of the Nas of the carabinieri throughout Italy for a control campaign aimed at verifying the correct provision of aesthetic medicine services, also in the light of recent news episodes relating to cosmetic surgery performed by unqualified personnel.

Among the territories touched by the activities of the military there is also Sardinia.

A beauty center has been closed in the province of Sassari. During the inspection, the absence of the required municipal authorization for the conduct of the activity was ascertained, as well as the abusive exercise of the beautician activity by one of the two joint owners, without the required professional title.

The value of the seized structure is 100,000 euros.

Also in the Sassari area, a surgeon, owner of a medical office, was denounced on the loose for carrying out aesthetic services with equipment for "oxygen-ozone therapy" treatments in premises without the required health authorization.

Overall, 793 facilities were inspected throughout the country, including beauty centers and aesthetic medical offices: 110 non-compliant situations, 41 criminal offenses found.

The control activities were also extended to the web: 8 sites were blocked.

(Unioneonline / ss)

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