«Alessia Pifferi deserves nothing more than life imprisonment» . This is the request of prosecutor Francesco De Tommasi in the ongoing trial in Milan which sees the 38-year-old, in prison since July 2022, accused of having let her daughter Diana, who was not even 18 months old, die of starvation, abandoning her alone at home for six days .

« He didn't have the courage to kill her with his own hands and left the task of getting rid of his daughter to fate . She was well aware that, left in the cot from which she could not get out, with a few bottles of water and milk, she would die and she would achieve her goal. She wanted to have fun and her daughter tied her up ."

These are the very harsh words pronounced in the courtroom by the prosecutor. Alessia Pifferi wanted to kill: for this reason she went away on July 14th to her partner, not the little girl's father, in the province of Bergamo, telling him that Diana was at the seaside with her sister. «He also spun lies in front of the body, talking about a mysterious babysitter who disappeared. He acted with direct intent, death was not only highly probable but certain ." Voluntary murder therefore, with two aggravating circumstances: that of having killed her daughter and that of "evidently futile reasons", as "she took no interest in her to go and have fun". And premeditated because "she herself admitted to having left the child alone in the house on other occasions, in an ever-increasing progression, supported by her criminal will, until she achieved her objective" . "If you want your own space", stated the prosecutor, "either you don't have children or if you can't take care of them, ask for help and she could have also asked her sister".

Before the prosecutor began his indictment, Pifferi wanted to speak . Long statements in which she started from her childhood as an "always isolated child", up to her "violent father" and the "sexual abuse" she suffered at the age of 16, complete with the name and surname of the alleged rapist.

« I am not a murderer or a monster, I am a mother who lost her daughter and I never thought something like this could happen to my little girl . I want to reiterate to all of Italy that I never premeditated something like this," he said.

And it is also in this address "to all Italians", with declarations in a courtroom stormed by cameras, photographers and reporters, that the Milan prosecutor Francesco De Tommasi found elements of Alessia Pifferi's "strategy", but also «her desire, the most hidden one, to be a diva, an actress».


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