24 precautionary measures , of which 10 house arrest and 14 suspensions from the exercise of the public service . This is the balance of the intervention carried out by the Guardia di Finanza of Imperia as part of the Praesidium operation . The work of the yellow flames has made it possible to unmask a series of ill-treatments by social health workers and nurses in the RSA " Le Palme " of Taggia. During the investigations, carried out with the help of telephone and audio and video interceptions , it emerged that the elderly were often forced to skip meals and suffer physical and verbal aggression . Unserved food was flushed down the toilet.

"And keep singing until I slap you between your teeth and make you swallow them." It is only one of the phrases with which one of the social and health workers under investigation addresses an elderly woman. «The patient is temporarily left standing near the bed – reads the documents -. The same, not remaining still, receives reproaches from the oss several times and finally shouts: "Mo' I'll give you a headbutt between the eyes , you can see how you stop it"». The elderly are repeatedly insulted and humiliated, as in the case in which one of the defendants, after making the patient sit on the bed, makes her stand up to lower her trousers, after which she throws her on the bed.

"The hateful methods of the crimes and the prevaricating and violent nature repeatedly manifested by the suspects - writes the investigating judge Massimiliano Botti, at the end of the almost three hundred pages of the precautionary measure, in motivating the house arrest - make the recurrence of crimes against the person very probable even outside the working environment and independently of the provision of social welfare activities in favor of public or private structures".


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