"The Draghi government finally gives importance to insular specificity, recognizing in the Decree Law on Infrastructures how insularity generates significant costs for the Regions. A very important signal that must be the accelerator of the national law proposal on 'Extraordinary measures aimed at compensation for the costs of Sardinia's insularity presented by the Special Commission for insularity and assigned to the V Permanent Commission of the Chamber and Senate ".

The applause of the executive, which recognizing the island's specificities changes the perspective followed so far, comes from the president of the Commission, Michele Cossa, who retracing the distinctive features of the bill highlights the need to "fight for the future of the island".

"The text, consisting of a single article, aims to rebalance Sardinia's GDP deficit, which the Bruno Leoni Institute has calculated amounts to 5,700 euros per capita per year , through the establishment of a Fund for rebalancing and development of Sardinia - he observes -. It is very important to continue in the battle that we have been involved in for some time, now also with Sicily at our side, to eliminate the economic and social gap caused by insularity ".

(Unioneonline / F)

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