"In Italy there must be due information and clarity before the vote . Before going to the vote, the Italians should know whether political parties in this country have been financed by a power, Russia, which today is against Europe and has invaded Europe. So we ask the Italian government to give information and for Copasir to intervene ".

Thus the secretary of the Democratic Party Enrico Letta , after the revelation came from a declassified dossier of US intelligence , according to which Russia would have given over 300 million euros (but the figure is underestimated) to numerous parties and politicians from at least 24 foreign countries.

"It is essential - added the dem leader - that public opinion knows if there are political parties that have taken positions in support of Russia because they have been paid by Russia itself throughout this operation".

Letta does not mention names, but n el Pd the names of the suspect forces ate of being able to have taken money from Russia makes them, for example, Matteo Ricci , coordinator of the dem mayors. "Russia has been trying to influence elections in the West for years and in Italy it had bet particularly on the League ," Ricci said on TV. "Now we will see even if there is any Italian party that has taken the money, but that there is a relationship between Salvini's party and that of Putin is there for all to see", added Ricci.

Reactions to the news also came from Brothers of Italy : "They say that Russia has financed parties in 20 countries, since 2014, with over 300 million dollars. This does not surprise me because there was an ancient tradition on their part. But I would like to know the names, if any, of any Italian beneficiaries. Because it is high treason ", wrote Guido Crosetto on Twitter.

For his part, Matteo Salvini replies: “The only ones who have taken money from Russia in the past are the Communists . I have never asked for or taken any money. They say names and surnames. Did the Democratic Party pay? If Russia has paid the Democratic Party it is right that we know. The only foreign country that in my political activity offered me a paid and expensed trip abroad was the United States. I didn't go there. Others went there, free to do so, "said the League secretary.

The 5 Star Movement , on the other hand, explains in a note: “The M5S, as always, acts in full transparency: we hope that clarity will be made as soon as possible and that Copasir investigates with the full support of all parliamentary forces. Furthermore, we cannot fail to express some concern that the final part of the electoral campaign may be polluted by external factors. We hope - conclude the pentastellati - that no one will bend a question of national security to sinister political interests ".

Adolfo Urso, president of Copasir (the parliamentary committee that exercises control over the work of the Italian secret services) also intervened on the matter: "I discussed with the Authority delegated to the security of the Republic Franco Gabrielli and at the moment there is no news that there is Italy among the countries involved in the US intelligence relationship on Russian money to foreign parties ”, Urso told Rai 3 microphones.

(Unioneonline / lf)

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