Countdown to the September 25 vote . And the race towards Parliament has also begun in Sardinia .

With the cut of the parliamentarians for the island , 16 seats will be available , eleven in Montecitorio, five in Palazzo Madama. And, between outgoing deputies and regional councilors, an enormous waltz of the seats is announced.

The 11 Sardinian deputies will be elected 4 in single-member constituencies (Metropolitan City of Cagliari, South Sardinia, Nuoro-Oristano and Sassari; and for each the "challenges" will be between coalitions and not for single parties) and 7 in multi-member constituencies, therefore with the proportional method (each party presents its own list of 7 candidates throughout Sardinia respecting gender alternation). The 5 senators will come out of the two single-member constituencies and the three proportional ones.

On a national level, the electoral campaign is regrouping the center-right , even if the crisis has caused the loss of some leading exponents in Forza Italia (Gelmini, Brunetta, Cangini and Carfagna).

In the center-left, the secretary of the Democratic Party, Enrico Letta , has definitively closed any alliance with the M5S , however opening up to the Azzurri defectors and to Calenda .

"I tell Letta that I really appreciate that he said no to M5S, but we need clarity on what we want to do", said the leader of the action.

In the pact, explains Calenda, it must be clear that “we are Atlanticists and we are to give more power to the EU by strengthening relations with the US. We are to respect the NATO spending agreements, to favor the Ukrainian resistance with the war material. These are all things I think the Democratic Party is on because it voted for them ”, he concluded.

All the details on L'Unione Sarda on newsstands today

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