300,000 people are in front of the stage in Piazza San Giovanni in Rome for the concert on May 1st. The number is limited for security reasons, a post-Covid legacy. The weather is not forgiving, there is a large expanse of umbrellas and raincoats of many colors.

The marathon - this year dedicated to the Constitution, which is 75 years old - kicked off in the early afternoon, an hour's preview without live TV and then the official start around 3 pm with Ambra - hostess for the sixth consecutive times, this time flanked by Fabrizio Biggio - who moved to recall Lorenzo Parelli , the 18-year-old who died in January 2022, on the last day of his school-work alternation period.

«Lorenzo dies in the first syllable of the word future, because he will never get a job, he died during school hours and not even the constitution could foresee this. Pay with your life, without being paid by anyone yet. We are on this stage to deliver something important to you: Lorenzo's paper, take care of it».

Alongside Ambra also Lorenzo's parents, Maria Elena and Dino Parelli. «We are here to dedicate a thought to Lorenzo – said the couple to the audience -. He would tell you: take care of life, because it is sacred and we must honor it. Security has no color or flag, it belongs to everyone, it is a collective responsibility of each of us". And Ambra has always been the spokesperson for the (denied) rights of women. «Lawyer, engineer, architect. All these vowels at the bottom of the words are, will they be weapons of mass distraction? They make us lose sight of the facts and the facts are that one in five women doesn't work after having a child, who earns a fifth less than a man in the same position. Didn't the Constitution already say it in 1949 that women should have the same rights as men in art. 36?». And again: «I want to propose an exchange: take back the vowels at the end of the words, but give us back the 20% salary».

In the afternoon, artists such as Aiello, Wayne, Rose Villain, Gaia, Alfa, Baustelle took turns. The highlight tonight with Ligabue, Emma, Lazza, Francesco Gabbani, the Baustelle, Matteo Paolillo fresh from the success of Mare Fuori, Levante, Ariete, Mr. Rain, Tananai, Coma_Cose, Piero Pelù with Alborosie, Mara Sattei, Rocco Hunt.


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