There are now few doubts about the crisis in the Ferragnez household , anticipated by Dagospia and confirmed by Corriere della Sera: it is not yet time for press releases or official statements on the farewell , and a firm "no comment" comes from the press offices of the two. A silence which, however, supports the hypothesis of the closing credits on the love story that has kept millions of users glued to social media in recent years , and with the news coming from circles close to the digital entrepreneur that Fedez has already left the new penthouse in Milan where he lived with his family .

" It is an objectively difficult period " for her, the sources point out, given that the choice of her husband, with whom she had been in crisis for some time, comes in addition to the Milanese judicial investigation in which she is being investigated for aggravated fraud.

Already in recent times many clues have suggested that between Chiara and Federico, married in 2018, parents of Leone and Vittoria, there was no longer that idyll that had made them the most popular couple on the web . The sentimental situation would now be definitively compromised, or almost.

In recent weeks he has left for Miami with his assistant Eleonora Sesana, who follows him on every business trip, while she has only posted photos with the children at home, in the park with her sisters, mother, or on weekends. Then her hand without a wedding ring and without the precious rings , with an extra tattoo on her finger. But what was ultimately striking was the sudden change in Ferragni's Instagram profile photo: she hugged her children without Fedez .

Since last year's Sanremo Festival, the love story between the two had deteriorated, but the influencer, according to those best informed, had postponed any decision to stay close to her sick husband .

Rumors of a crisis among the Ferragnezs have been circulating for weeks, from Federico Lucia's attitude after the scandal of the Balocco pandoro, the Cerealitalia Easter eggs and the Trudi doll which compromised his wife's image. In fact, Fedez would have thrown his legal problems in her face, underlining how her vicissitudes risked damaging her business too. Not only. On several occasions Fedez would have made clear his irritation towards his wife's manager Fabio Maria Damato, who he considered responsible for his wife's media meltdown, pushing for a dismissal, blocked by Ferragni herself. And then the straw that would have broken the camel's back : the one hosted by Fedez on Marco Travaglio 's Muschio Selvaggio podcast, who claimed that «Selvaggia Lucarelli – the words addressed to the rapper – transformed your wife into Wanna Marchi». In the circumstance Federico would not have defended Chiara enough, and at that point the influencer would have ordered him to remove the disturbance .

On Sunday 3 March the digital entrepreneur will be a guest of Fabio Fazio on "Che tempo che fa" on the Nove. Even if the host does not go too far after so many rumors circulating online, it seems plausible that by that date there will be more elements to be able to talk about what happened, in addition to everything that concerns Ferragni with the Balocco case as the tip of the iceberg.

And in the meantime, a new indiscretion from Corriere: Chiara has already turned to a famous divorce lawyer for custody of her two children .


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